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Jurisdiction of Dutch Courts
Subject-matter jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction
National jurisdiction
International jurisdiction
Jurisdiction in relation to recognition and enforcement of judgments
Jurisdiction and applicable law
Legal proceedings in Dutch civil law
Summons proceedings or application proceedings
Summons proceedings
Application proceedings
Fact finding and application of law
National Jurisdiction
Subject-matter jurisdiction
Subject-matter jurisdiction in summons proceedings
Subject-matter jurisdiction in application proceedings
Choice of forum with regard to national subject-matter jurisdiction
Territorial jurisdiction
Territorial jurisdiction in summons proceedings
Additional competent courts in summons proceedings
Territorial jurisdiction in application proceedings
Choice of forum with regard to national territorial jurisdiction
Domicile and habitual residence
Domicile of persons without (full) legal capacity
Office as additional domicile of an entrepeneur
Domicile of a legal person
Domicile of a commercial partnership
List of judicial territories
Brussels II Regulation 2003
Brussels I Regulation 2000
National rules of private international law
National rules of international jurisdiction over family matters
International jurisdiction over civil and commercial matters (principal rule)
International jurisdiction over civil and commercial matters (alternative rules)
Disputes over an obligation from an agreement
Disputes arisen from an employment agreement
Disputes arisen from a consumer agreement
Disputes over damages caused by tort
Disputes over rights in or to immovable property
Disputes related to the estate of a deceased person
Disputes over commercial partnerships or legal persons itself
Disputes related to bankruptcy, a moratorium on payment or the application of the Debt Repayment Scheme
Legal claims brought in the same proceedings against more defendants
Counter claims, joinders and interventions
Choice of Forum
Principal rule regarding a choice of forum
Tacit (implicit) choice of forum
Safety-net provision ('forum necessitatis')
Lis pendens (stay of legal proceedings)