Dutch Civil Law
Obligatory claims and obligations
Obligation (obligatory claim and debt)
The law of obligations represents in Dutch property law one of the most
important legal subjects. The word ‘obligation’ refers to
the legal effect which may arise from a few different sources. An obligation
can be defined as a ‘legal bond’ between two persons, within
which one person (‘the debtor’) is legally compelled to carry
out a specific performance to which the other person (‘the creditor’)
under law is entitled. The enforceable right of the creditor to demand
performance from the debtor, is called an ‘obligatory claim’.
The legal duty of the debtor to fulfil this performance to or on behalf
of the creditor, is called a ‘debt’. The relationship between
the debtor and creditor is regulated by law. The law of obligations indicates
what the creditor may expect from his debtor and which legal measures
he may take when the debtor doesn’t fulfil his duties. On that same
basis also the debtor can determine what, when and how he must perform
to settle his debt and which measures he can expect from the creditor
if he’s in default of performing his obligation.
The performance - the object of both the obligatory
claim and the debt - is for the creditor and debtor the same. They
just approach it from a different angle. The debtor has to fulfil
the performance. The creditor receives it. The debtor and creditor
are both tangled to that same object and, with that, to each other
through incorporeal rules of conduct acknowledged by law.
This legal bond between the creditor and debtor, thus the obligation,
exists as long as the indebted performance has not yet been carried out.
With the settlement of the debt the obligatory claim (and debt) ends automatically,
which means that also the legal bond between the creditor and debtor has
come to an end. Creditor and debtor both are free to go their own way
again. Should the debtor, on the other hand, fail to comply with his obligation,
the legal bond remains intact. The debtor may still claim performance,
but in addition he possibly has other legal remedies that according to
law may arise from their legal bond, depending on the content of the obligation,
the source from which it is derived and the circumstances of the situation.
It’s possible as well that the creditor converts his original claim
into an obligatory claim for compensatory damages in money. This, in fact,
has created a new legal bond with its own content and legal consequences.
An obligatory claim must not be confused with a
legal claim. A ‘legal claim’ refers to a ‘right
of action’, therefore to the legal possibility to enforce a
right in court. The demand (or request) which is filed in court on
the basis of a right of action is called a legal claim. Often the
terms ‘right of action’ and ‘legal claim’
are used as synonyms, since they both refer to the possibility for
a proprietor (or other person) to enforce the compliance with and
acknowledgement of his property right (or other legally acknowledged
right) in court by means of an enforceable judgement or court order
against someone who has violated his right. Most property rights are
accompanied by a connecting legal claim, which enables the proprietor
to take the proper legal measures so as to enforce his property right.
An obligatory claim is a property right in itself. It grants the creditor
the right to a performance of at least some value. An obligatory claim
has its own right of action. When the debtor fails to comply with
his obligation, the law grants the creditor a right of action, enabling
him to file a legal claim in court to obtain a judgement which forces
the debtor to fulfil the indebted performance after all or to pay
alternative damages, to be collected, if necessary, by police or a
sale under execution. Other property rights are supported as well
by their own right of action. The owner of a house who wants the tenant
to leave, because he’s not paying the rent, can go to court
and ask for a judgement to be handed over to a bailiff and the police,
so that they are permitted to remove the tenant from the house, if
need be by force. Nevertheless there are property rights without an
accompanying right of action. The most well-known example is the natural
obligation. The creditor has, according to law, a property right to
be exercised against the debtor to obtain a certain performance, but
– in contrast to other obligatory claims – the creditor
cannot enforce this right when the debtor doesn’t satisfy his
debt. So a property right may exist without an accompanying right
of action (legal claim). It still is a property right acknowledged
as such by law, but it is not enforceable. This means that when the
debtor performs his obligation anyway, this can't be seen as a gift
or donation. He settles his debt in conformity with what he has to
fulfil according to law.
The nature of the performance within an obligation
Characteristic for an obligation is that the debtor and creditor are
allowed to make almost any performance the object of their legal bond.
The law of obligations forms an open system of mainly permissive (additional)
law. As long as parties stay within the boundaries set by mandatory law,
they are free to subject themselves to any kind of performance (and counter
performance). But the way in which this most be done, is always by entering
into an obligation. This is the framework that the law provides to persons
who want to commit themselves legally to each other in an enforceable
way to perform something.
The answer to the question which kind of performance the debtor has to
fulfil, depends on the content of the obligation. In the open system of
obligatory claims in principle everything with an economic or financial
value can be pointed out as the indebted performance. To its nature one
distinguishes three types of performances:
a. delivery of an object (to give):
An example of a ‘delivery’ is the transfer
of a good or the payment of a sum of money. The debtor, in fact, hands
over to the creditor an object, for instance a car or coins and bank
notes. By doing so, he has fulfilled his obligation.
b. performance of a work (to do)
The debtor can be obliged also to perform a work,
like the employee who has the duty to carry out certain labour activities
on behalf of his employer. Other examples of the performance of a
work are the provision of a service and the transportation of goods.
The doctor who treats a patient, performs a service. He does something.
The same applies to the accountant who draws up the books. Their activities
are regarded as the performance of a work.
c. refrain from doing something (to do not)
Sometimes the debtor has the obligation to refrain
from doing something which he otherwise would have been allowed to
do. He has engaged himself towards the creditor not to perform a specific
action. If he does anyway, the creditor may demand that he stops this
behaviour and claim compensatory damages or a preset financial penalty
for each violation. An obligation from a non-competition clause may,
for instance, impose a duty on the debtor not to start a similar company
in a certain area during a fixed time period. Another example is the
obligation of the owner of a movable or immovable thing to grant the
creditor a right of use of that thing. Normally, as the owner of that
thing, he would not have to tolerate that the creditor makes use of
it. But as a result of his obligation he must accept that the creditor
uses his property in the agreed way, and leave off any legal actions
to end this use. Typically for such performances is that the debtor
must perform continuously during the duration of the obligation: he
continuously has to accept that the creditor uses his good and during
the period set under the non-competition clause he may never start
the prohibited company. Generally the obligation only exists for a
determined period of time. On the expiry of this period, the obligation
ends by operation of law. The debtor then is again allowed to do what
he normally could have done.
The legal bond (obligation) between the debtor and creditor is governed
in the first place by the content of the obligation itself. Parties themselves
may, for instance, stipulate what the debtor has to perform and which
measures the creditor may take if the debtor fails to comply with his
obligation. But in addition the law sets rules that apply to the legal
bond between a debtor and a creditor. These rules are usually of permissive
law, so that they only have effect insofar parties themselves have not
made an arrangement for specific subjects. On the basis of the content
of the obligation and these statutory provisions the debtor and creditor
are able to asses what they may expect from each other within their legal
Legal grounds which may produce obligatory claims
Obligations don’t drop from the sky by accident. It would be incorrect
if a person, just like that, could be forced to perform something at his
own cost on behalf of another person. Only the law is capable to point
out when it’s appropriate that a person has to fulfil a performance
to someone else. It is therefore civil law that stipulates when an obligation
between two persons comes to existence. According to Dutch civil law obligations
may arise from law or agreement. In principle there are no other sources
from which obligations can be drawn.
Obligations arising from law are created automatically, therefore without
the intention of the involved debtor and creditor to produce an obligation,
as soon as certain facts have occurred which, according to law, justify
the formation of an obligation. Generally it’s a response of law
to a factual situation in which someone has been disadvantaged in a wrongful
manner or has suffered damage from someone else’s behaviour. This
injustice or damage must be made undone. For this reason the law automatically
grants the disadvantaged or harmed person an obligatory claim which is
enforceable against the person who is regarded to be responsible for causing
the damage or who has gained an unjustified benefit without any legal
ground. The law also makes clear, usually after interference of the court,
which performance the debtor has to carry out on behalf of the creditor
to repair the injustice or damage. So not only the existence of the obligation
is set directly by law, but also its content. In practice, however, the
involved persons usually don’t feel the same about the occurred
circumstances and their consequences, so the court has to decide what
the actual situation between them was and if it meets the conditions of
a specific legal ground from which an obligation results and, if so, which
performance the debtor has to fulfil to satisfy his debt. An example of
a legal ground on the basis of which obligations may be formed by law,
is a tortious act (Article 6:162 DCC). A person who has committed an unlawful
act that has caused damage to someone else, has to repair that damage.
The law automatically imposes an obligation on him, although often the
court first has to ascertain if a tortious act indeed has been committed
and, if that appears to be the case, which damage has been caused and
how it must be repaired. Nevertheless, when the court awards the claim
of the plaintiff, it only confirms that the occurred facts are to be regarded
as a tortious act which, immediately on the basis of law, had formed an
obligation, and this without any human intention to create such obligation.
Other legal grounds from which obligations may come to existence without
any intention to produce this legal effect are an unjustified enrichment
(Article 6:212 DCC), an undue performance (Article 6:203 DCC) and a benevolent
intervention in someone else’s affairs (‘negotiorum gestio’,
Article 6:200 DCC). The law may also create an obligation as a response
to the fulfilment of a dissolving condition (Article 6:24 and 6:25 DCC)
and the rescission of a mutual agreement due to a breach of contract,
for instance insofar performances already had been carried out on the
basis of that agreement (Article 6:271 and 6:277 DCC).
Of course the person who has obtained a claim derived
from law is not compelled to use it against the debtor. He is only
entitled to demand compliance.
Persons may also deliberately create obligations between them. They intentionally
perform a juridical act, knowing that the law will respond to it by creating
one or more obligations among them. The most important juridical act from
which obligations may arise, is an agreement (contract). When two persons
enter into an agreement with each other, the law says that one or more
obligations will be formed between them, simply because the involved parties
desire so. That’s the legal effect (obligation) of this juridical
act (agreement). And that’s the legal effect that parties wanted
to achieve with their agreement. Obligations derived from an agreement
are, in contrast to obligations directly appointed by law, always the
consequence of the fact that two parties have stated towards each other
the common intention to create one or more obligations between them. Because
the debtor and creditor are from the beginning involved in the making
of these obligations, they are able to determine their content and effects.
This means that the content of their legal bond, contrary to obligations
which are derived directly from law, is not firstly set by law or court,
but by parties themselves. Their arrangements indicate what they have
to perform and what they may and may not expect from each other. Of course,
these arrangements may not come in conflict with statutory provisions
of mandatory law. If they do, then the content of their agreement is replaced
by the content of these mandatory statutory provisions. This may even
have the result that an agreement of another type than the intended one
has been concluded or that no agreement at all has been brought about
when it is obvious that one of the parties would not have entered into
an agreement that would not enclose the arrangement which appears to be
null and void. As far as their agreement is valid, not only the arrangements
made by parties themselves form a part of its content, but also statutory
provisions of permissive (additional) law. Usually parties will not have
made an arrangement for all possible subjects that might become important.
When such a subject comes to the surface, they may still agree mutually
how to deal with it. But often they have non-compatible interests, so
they can’t come to terms on it themselves. In that case parties
(or one of them) can put forward a statutory provision of permissive law
that is covering the issue. Both parties are bound by that statutory provision,
so that it forms a part of the content of their agreement as well. If
no such statutory provision is available, the question must be solved
by rules of unwritten law, like common practice (usage) and the standards
of reasonableness and fairness. Within the system of Dutch civil law these
standards only play an additional role when neither the agreement itself,
nor permissive law offers a possibility to fill the gap. After the content
of the agreement has been determined in the before mentioned way, it’s
conceivable that its outcome (the issue as it is set under the agreement
or a statutory provisions of permissive or mandatory law) is so detrimental
to one of the parties, that to standards or reasonableness and fairness
it would be unacceptable to bind him to it. In that event this specific
outcome has to be set aside in favour of a more reasonable and fair solution.
When a person violates someone else’s property right, for instance
by using his movable or immovable thing without his consent or by destroying
or damaging it, the proprietor may demand that this violation stops and
that the inflicted damage will be compensated (Article 6:162 (1) DCC).
It doesn’t matter whether this other person deliberately or by accident
caused the damage. Merely the fact that he has inflicted damage to the
proprietor by violating his property right, makes him liable, unless he
proves there is a justification for his behaviour. The same applies when
a person has inflicted damage to someone else by an act or omission in
violation of a statutory duty or in violation of a rule of unwritten law
imposed by proper social conduct. So when a person has not directly violated
someone else’s property right, but his behaviour is considered to
be unacceptable according to common opinion or he has been neglectful
in an unacceptable way, he is liable as well for the damage caused. If
a person, for example, had forgotten to close a trapdoor and, due to this
neglect, someone else got hurt, he may be liable for damages on the basis
of tort when his behaviour was, in the circumstances according to common
opinion, so careless that it is justifiable to make him accountable for
the negative results (Article 6:162 (2) DCC).
Dutch civil law doesn’t make a distinction
between the various forms of extra-contractual responsibility between
persons, known as delicts and quasi-delicts. A delict can be defined
as a wrongful act which causes damage, and for which the harmed person
is entitled to a compensation. A quasi-delict is a negligent act or
omission which causes harm or damage to the person or property of
another, and thus exposes a person to civil liability in civil law
jurisdictions, as if the act or omission was intentional (a delict).
In some civil law systems (for instance Scotland) delict and quasi-delict
form a separate source from which obligations may arise when someone
has been harmed in his personal life, health or property. It’s
similar to the common law concept of tort, but nevertheless it differs
from it in many substantive ways. The name ‘quasi-delict’
refers to a group of actions of no obvious similarity, except that
they already were classified under the ancient Roman law as analogous
to delictual obligations. It includes Res Suspensae, things poured
or thrown, shippers, innkeepers, stable keepers, and erring judges.
Quasi-delicts always concern an unintentional wrong, similar to the
common law concept of negligence, but again it also differs from it
in many ways. The civil law of the Netherlands, just as the civil
law of Germany and Austria, does not separate delict and quasi-delict
from tort. When damages arise outside a contract as a result of either
intentional or negligent infliction of harm on the life, health or
property of a person or the violation of a legal interest which is
protected by law, the person who has suffered the harm can ask for
compensation on the legal ground of tort, and therefore has acquired
an obligation by law. Whether a person has damaged someone else’s
interests wilfully or as a result of negligence makes no difference.
Both situations are covered by the Dutch concept of 'tort' and have
the same legal effect, namely the creation of an obligation to repair
the damage.
A tortious act can be attributed to the person who committed it (this
person is called a ‘tortfeasor’) if it is due to his fault
or to a cause for which he is accountable by virtue of law or generally
accepted principles (Article 6:162 paragraph 3 DCC). This last criterion
basically means that the court takes all relevant and proven facts in
consideration and decides on that basis whether the acting person is liable
for damages in view of common opinion. When the court thinks that a tortious
act has been committed, it merely validates that an obligation has been
created by law on the basis of this legal ground. Secondly, it has to
establish which damage has been caused as a direct result of this tortious
act. Only this damage is eligible for compensation. Thirdly, depending
on what the injured person has claimed, the court will determine what
the tortfeasor has to do to repair the damage. The tortfeasor may be ordered
to return the property or to carry out a specific performance, like the
payment of a sum of money or the restoration of a property in its original
condition. It’s conceivable also that he has to publish a correction
of his earlier statements in a newspaper or that he is order to refrain
himself from specific actions on the penalty of a fine. In the end the
content and nature of an obligation based on tort are settled by court,
thereby taking into account as much as possible the form of compensation
that the injured person has requested.
Undue performance
When someone has carried out a performance to another person, while afterwards
it becomes clear that he wasn’t legally compelled to do so, he may
demand its restitution from the recipient or, if that’s no longer
possible, the payment of an equal compensation in money. This legal ground
(juridical fact) is called an ‘undue performance’. The legal
effect which the law ties to this juridical fact is the formation of an
obligation between the performer and the recipient (Article 6:203 DCC).
The reason behind this statutory provision is that it is considered to
be unjust when someone gains an advantage at the cost of another person
although he is not entitled to it in any way and the performer, if he
had known better, would not have given him this benefit because there
was no legal ground or reason for him to grant this performance. It’s
therefore reasonable that the occurred facts, which have set in, have
to be corrected, which is done by creating an obligation between them
to repair the result of the undue performance. Consequently an obligation
arises between the performer and the recipient as soon as it’s clear
that the recipient, without any justification, received a performance
from the other. The law itself ties this legal effect directly to the
occurred factual circumstances, without taken into account the intention
of the involved recipient and performer with respect to the creation of
this obligation to make the undue performance undone. Of course, the performer
doesn’t have to invoke his obligatory claim against the recipient.
He can always waive his right. But when he wants to claim his performance
back, he is entitled to do so, irrespective of what the recipient wishes.
Pim owes € 100,000 to Sabine. Accidentally he orders his bank
to transfer this sum to the bank account of Karel and not to that
of Sabine. Pim’s bank indeed makes a deposit to Karel’s
bank account. That Sabine still can claim payment from Pim is clear.
Her obligatory claim isn’t satisfied by the payment of an amount
to someone else. The fact that Pim transferred the amount to the wrong
account isn’t her fault. But can Karel keep the sum of money
which he wrongfully received, since he’s neither to blame for
this payment? He neither was involved in it. May he withdraw the money
rapidly from his account and spend it? The answer must of course be
negative. Pim has mistakenly, without any legal ground, paid €
100,000 to Karel. There was no reason for him to do so. Possibly he
even doesn’t know Karel. The payment is therefore unduly. Karel
must have known this, because he absolutely had no reason to think
that Pim owed him this sum of money. Under these circumstances the
law states that Karel unjustifiably received the amount and has to
pay it back to Pim. In other words: the law imposes a debt on Karel
to return the undue payment and at the same time creates a corresponding
obligatory claim in favour of Pim enabling him to demand the return
of this performance (obligation) in court. Should Karel meanwhile
have spend the money he unjustifiably received from Pim, then this
doesn’t dismiss him of his obligation to pay back the unduly
obtained amount to Pim. The law creates, purely on the basis of the
actual events which have taken place (these facts form an undue payment
and therefore the juridical fact or legal ground from which the obligation
arises), so without that Pim and Karel have reached an agreement on
this, an obligation between them, which forces Karel to make a repayment
to Pim with regard to the undue performance (that obligation is the
legal effect of this juridical fact).
Often an undue performance shows itself when the juridical act, which
formed the legal basis for the fulfilment of one or more performances,
afterwards appears to be invalid, for instance because it was null and
void from the beginning or it was voidable and has been nullified later
by one of the parties with retroactive effect. The parties to an agreement,
for instance, thought that their mutual agreement ordered them to deliver
the sold property and to pay the purchase price. So they did fulfil these
performances in the execution of their agreement. Later, however, this
agreement appears to be voidable. One of the parties nullifies it with
retroactive effect. This means that, according to law, this agreement
never existed. Therefore it can’t be seen as a legal ground for
the performances which in the meantime were carried out on its basis.
There has never been such a legal ground, and thus neither any justification
for these performances. The delivery and payment are to be regarded as
an undue performance. As soon as the actual situation meets the conditions
of an undue performance, the law creates - ipso jure - an obligation between
the person who received the performance without any justification and
the person who has carried out this performance at his own expense. The
recipient has to undo the performance by returning the received property
to the performer or, when he is not able to do so, by paying an equivalent
sum of money. Nor the performer (creditor), nor the recipient (debtor)
has meant to create this obligation, let alone an obligation to undo the
performance which was carried out without any legal ground. There is no
mutual intention or consent to produce this legal effect. It just comes
to existence because the law thinks it’s a reasonable solution for
the occurred factual problem. That’s why the obligation directly
arises from law. It’s the law which forms, purely on the basis of
the actual circumstances, an obligation between the recipient and the
performer of an undue performance, merely because the legislature believes
that in the given circumstances the performer is helped the most when
he obtains an obligatory claim against the recipient to undo the occurred
Unjustified enrichment
A person who has been unjustifiably enriched at the expense of someone
else, for another reason than the reception of an undue performance, has
to compensate the damage suffered by the other person as a result, but
only to the amount of his enrichment (Article 6:212, paragraph 1 DCC).
Where an undue performance presumes that a person intentionally has carried
out a performance to another person, although, in legal reality, he was
not obliged to do so, an unjustified enrichment concerns the situation
in which a person more or less unintentionally has performed something
which produces a loss in his property and an advantage in the property
of someone else, although a legal justification for the existing situation
is absent. If a person, for example, builds a house on the land of another
person, then the owner of that land automatically becomes the owner of
this house. This legal effect is called accession to property (Articles
5:3 and 5:20 DCC). In some situations the builder is entitled to get a
compensation from the owner of the land, because the latter, without any
reason, has enjoyed an advantage at the cost of the person who built the
house. This may occur when the builder of the house thought that he had
acquired the right of ownership of the building site, but afterwards the
sale of the land is nullified with retroactive effect, so that the seller
is legally considered to have been the owner of the land all the time.
The builder of the house didn’t wrongfully think he had to carry
out a performance on behalf of the owner of the land, as in the case of
an undue performance. He never intended to deliver a performance to the
owner of the house, but wanted to make a home for himself on his own land.
Only because of other circumstances, for instance a rule of law implying
that he has not become the owner of the land, he now is faced with the
fact that he has suffered a considerable loss (costs of the house built),
whereas, on the other hand, someone else, like the seller of the land
who afterwards appears to have obtained a house for free, incorrectly
benefits from this result.
Another example of an unjustified enrichment occurs when, at the sale
of an enterprise, the buyer gets much more assets than both parties have
agreed upon, because neither of them knew of the existence of additional
assets or they both thought wrongly that these assets, according to law,
would not also be transferred to the buyer. Again it cannot be said that
the seller wrongfully thought that he legally was compelled to supply
these assets to the buyer, so that an undue performance is out of the
question. But it is clear that this situation proves to be a disadvantage
for the seller, since the additional assets, which were his, are not included
in the purchase price, whereas the assets are lavished upon the buyer
for free. Merely because of the fact that one person is groundlessly enriched
at the expense of another person, the law states that the person who has
suffered a disadvantage of this specific situation, acquires an obligatory
claim against the one who has enjoyed an advantage due to this occasion.
The obligatory claim can never exceed the enrichment which the other person
actually enjoyed, even when the disadvantage for the creditor of the claim
was much higher. It would be unfair to impose an obligation on the enriched
person to compensate all the damage that the creditor has suffered, since
he isn’t to blame either for the entry of facts which have created
the unjustified enrichment. For this reason he only has to compensate
the advantage which he really gained without any legal cause. Once more,
only the actual situation constitutes an obligation between the two involving
persons. Their intention is, beside this, of no importance. That’s
why the value of the claim of the creditor isn’t set according to
the degree in which he has suffered a disadvantaged, but exclusively according
to the degree in which the other person has effectively enjoyed an advantage.
In this respect an unjustified enrichment differs from an undue performance.
Benevolent intervention in someone else’s
affairs (‘negotiorum gestio’)
The legal ground, indicated with the phrase ‘benevolent intervention
in someone else’s affairs’ (or ‘negotiorum gestio’),
refers to an actual situation in which someone handles another person's
affairs without having his authorisation to do so. The actual circumstances
give the interfering person a right to manage the affairs of someone else,
because the latter isn’t in the position to deal with them himself,
whereas the circumstances demand that something is done in his interest.
The person who takes over another person’s affairs, doesn’t
act on the basis of an agreement or another juridical act allowing him
to interfere on behalf of the other one. Solely the actual facts, which
more or less have shown themselves accidentally, justify his intervention.
Together they form a juridical fact with its own specific legal effects.
One of its legal effects is the right for the intervening person to do
something with or to the property of the other person, as far as this
is appropriate in the given circumstances. Normally a person is not allowed
to damage, take or even use the property of someone else without his consent
or authorisation. He then would commit a tortious act which makes him
liable for damages. But when the actual facts meet the requirements for
a benevolent intervention, in the sense that the actions taken are in
proportion to what is necessary in the best interests of the proprietor,
then it is no longer possible to qualify them as tortious. They are now
listed as a benevolent intervention, therefore as a different legal ground
with its own legal effects (Article 6:200 DCC). It protects the interfering
person against the legal consequences which otherwise would arise when
someone is violating another person’s property or his capacity to
perform juridical acts. Another legal effect of a benevolent intervention
is that the interfering person has to continue to manage the other person’s
affairs as long as this is required in the circumstances, until this other
person is able to manage his own affairs again. This indeed is an obligation
which he must comply with and for which he is accountable towards the
person whose affairs he manages. If he fails to comply with it, he is
liable for damages. A third legal effect, which itself is purely based
on the actual circumstances as well, is the duty of the person whose affairs
have been looked after, to compensate the interfering person for costs
and damages made or suffered as a result of managing his affairs. Again,
this obligation arises directly from law. This means that the legal ground,
known as a benevolent intervention in someone else’s affairs, is
a legal ground which may create one or more obligations that are directly
derived from law.
Characteristic for obligations which arise directly from law is that
the creditor and debtor have come to stand into a legal relationship with
each other - an obligation – without aiming at this legal effect.
Merely the actual facts (juridical fact) have formed an obligation between
them (legal effect). But persons may also deliberately produce one or
more obligations. They can do so by entering into an agreement with each
other. This is a legal ground which is recognized by law as a source for
obligations. The law acknowledges the expressed commitment of parties
to fulfil one or more performances as a binding agreement. Subsequently
it ties to this agreement (juridical fact) the existence of one or more
obligations (legal effect). This is the effect that parties intended to
accomplish when entering into their agreement.
In general no formal requirements have to be observed to conclude a binding
agreement. Since its legal effect (the formation of one or more obligations)
only concerns the involved parties themselves, it is not necessary to
put their intentions in writing and to publish them to the outside world.
It’s sufficient that both parties know what is expected of them,
therefore what must be performed and how and when it must be performed.
An oral or even silent (tacit) agreement may express these intentions
adequately. But problems may arise when parties disagree whether a binding
agreement has been brought about already or what actually has been agreed
upon. Therefore, after parties verbally have come to terms on their agreement,
they usually fix it in a written contract so that they both are able to
prove its existence and content.
Where an obligation has arisen from an agreement, its content is firstly
made by parties themselves. Parties will have stipulated the performances
to which they have committed themselves. This can be done extensively
or briefly, but at least the essential points of the agreement must be
set with mutual consent. These essential points indicate what kind of
agreement has been concluded, for instance a sale contract or an employment
agreement. Insofar parties have not regulated a specific subject in their
agreement, the law fills up possible gaps in accordance with the statutory
provisions of permissive law for this kind of agreement. When one party
has committed himself to transfer his red Volvo to the other party, while
the other party has engaged himself to pay € 10,000 in return, then
all essential elements for a sale agreement are already present. This
means that a valid and binding sale agreement has come to existence, creating
two mutually dependent obligations: one for the seller to transfer the
ownership of the car to the buyer and one for the buyer to pay the agreed
price to the seller. It’s possible that parties have made arrangements
in their agreement for various other issues, like the day and place of
delivery and payment, the quality standards to be observed and the available
remedies when the other party fails to comply with his obligation. But
this is not necessary to be able to call their arrangements a valid and
binding agreement. Where parties have not made an arrangement for non-essential
elements, the law fills up possible gaps in accordance with the type of
agreement that has been formed. The Dutch Civil Code provides in Book
7 (‘Particular agreements’) additional rules for the most
common agreements, like sale, donation, lease, transport, employment and
insurance. When a solution can’t be found in the agreement itself,
parties have to retrieve to the statutory provisions set by Book 7 of
the Civil Code for this specific agreement. So when the seller and buyer
have forgotten to make an arrangement for the day of performance and they
can’t come to terms on it afterwards, their dispute must be solved
in line with the solution which Book 7 of the Civil Code offers for sale
agreements. If the solution can’t be found there either, the general
statutory provisions for agreements and obligations (Book 6 DCC) or juridical
acts (Book 3 DCC) may enclose the answer. If it does, the legal relationship
between the seller and buyer must be clarified in accordance with this
solution. A lot of contracts aren’t regulated separately in Book
7 of the Civil Code or elsewhere. There are, for example, no special statutory
rules for dealership agreements, distribution contracts, franchising agreements,
joint ventures and other occasional contracts. This means that such agreements
are only governed by the more general statutory rules of Book 6 DCC and
Book 3 DCC. It’s possible, however, that no answer can be found
in either of these Books. In that case the gap must be filled in accordance
with unwritten law, especially in accordance with common practice (‘usage’)
and the standards of reasonableness and fairness (Article 6:248 (1) DCC).
Of course, the agreement may not cross the lines which are set by mandatory
law. If it does, then the entire agreement or at least the unlawful stipulation
in it will be null and void or, when the violated statutory provision
tends to protect merely one of the parties to the agreement, it will be
voidable, so that this party may nullify it with retroactive effect. In
both events the result is that the agreement or the unlawful stipulation
has no legal meaning at all. Usually a violation of mandatory law doesn’t
make the entire agreement invalid, but only the unlawful stipulation in
it. When this stipulation falls, it creates a gap in the remaining agreement
that has to be filled up again in accordance with mandatory or permissive
law, common practice and the standards of reasonableness and fairness,
taking into account as well the intentions of the parties to the agreement.
One has to keep in mind that the standards of reasonableness
and fairness not only fill up possible gaps in an agreement, but may
also set aside a normally allowed contractual provision and sometimes
even a statutory provision of permissive law which otherwise would
have been applicable to fill up a gap (Article 6:248 (2) DCC). Very
rarely even a mandatory statutory rule of law, applicable to the agreement,
cannot be tolerated by standards of reasonableness and fairness, and
its effect must be excluded in that specific situation.
Publication and passage of obligatory claims
Obligatory claims work only between the creditor and its debtor. Others
have in general nothing to do with it. They cannot draw any rights from
it, nor can they be forced to comply with the debtor’s obligation.
Thus the outside world doesn't need to know of the existence or content
of such rights in personam. That's why obligatory claims don't have to
be published, like (limited) real property rights in movable and immovable
property, in order to come to existence. It is sufficient when the debtor
knows what and when he has to perform and to whom. Consequently the publication
of an obligatory claim only has to ensure that this information is available
for the person under the obligation himself. When he doesn't know who
his creditor is or what or when he has to perform, then one cannot expect
that he carries out the right performance to the right person at the applicable
time. So then it's not fair to say that he's in default.
In practice the publication of obligatory claims causes no
problems. When the obligatory claim comes to existence the debtor will
always know from the beginning what he has to perform and to whom. This
is the case with an obligatory claim that arises directly from law, like
from a tortious act or an undue payment. When parties themselves have
a different opinion on this matter, the court will always announce in
its judgment if an obligation has come to existence, and if so, what the
debtor has to perform on account thereof and when this performance must
be made. Also the identity of the creditor will in such cases automatically
be known by the debtor. It's not necessary for the creditor to announce
this once again to him, although the law states that the judgement of
the court first has to be served on the debtor by a bailiff before it
can be executed. If the obligatory claim is a result of an agreement between
the debtor and his creditor, then parties themselves will have stipulated
to which the debtor is obliged and to what the creditor is entitled. Also
in this situation it's clear for the debtor what and when he has to perform
and which person has the right to obtain that performance. The publication
of the obligatory claim is in this way secured, because the person under
obligation and the creditor are always informed about all the necessary
An obligatory claim is a property right in itself of which the creditor
is its proprietor. Like other property rights it can be transferred to
another person, who as of then will become the new creditor entitled to
the performance which the debtor is obliged to carry out. Only when the
debtor and original creditor have agreed that the claim is not transferable,
this possibility is blocked (Article 3:83 paragraph 2 DCC). Very seldom
also the personal nature of the performance indicates that the creditor
cannot transfer his claim to someone else (Article 3:83 paragraph 1 DCC).
But in general there are no obstacles for the creditor to pass his claim
to another person. The transfer of an obligatory claim from one person
to another is called an 'assignment'.
An obligatory claim is not a tangible or material object. It can't actually
be handed over to someone else. The transfer of an obligatory claim can
only mean that the creditor grants all his rights and powers, to be exercised
against his debtor, to someone else, who then - instead of the original
creditor – may exercise these rights and powers against the debtor.
This means that the new creditor, after he has become the proprietor of
the obligatory claim, may demand performance of what the debtor is indebted
under the obligation. The debtor has to carry out the performance to or
on behalf of the new creditor. He is no longer tied in a legal bond with
the former creditor.
It is fair to say that the new creditor may only hold the debtor accountable
for a default when the debtor knew or at least should have known that
he no longer has to perform his debt to his original creditor, but to
someone else. Only when he is properly informed about the passage of the
claim it's reasonable to make him liable in his relation to the new creditor
for any non-performance. This finds expression in the conditions which
the law has set for the assignment (transfer) of an obligatory claim.
In order to pass the claim from the property of the old creditor to the
property of the new creditor, both parties have to draw up a (notarial
of private) deed of assignment between them, followed by a declaration
of one of them to the debtor that the claim has been transferred to a
new creditor, whose identity must be mentioned at the same time. Informing
the debtor about the assignment ('publication') is essential for the transfer
itself. Without it, the transfer of the obligatory claim is incomplete
according to law, also between the old and new creditor. As long as the
passage has not been published in the required way, the new creditor cannot
call himself the proprietor of the claim, since he only has an obligatory
claim against the old creditor due to which the old creditor is compelled
to perform all necessary formalities to pass the claim against the debtor
to the new creditor. During this time the new creditor still has no claim
against the debtor himself.
The above mentioned way of transferring obligatory claims only applies
to claims to name. A claim to name is an ordinary obligatory
claim. All obligatory claims arising from a legal source, like from an
agreement, a tortious act or an undue performance, are initially claims
to name. The indication ‘to name’ does not refer to any registration
of the claim, but merely to the name of the creditor to whom the debtor
must deliver his performance. The debtor must always know the name of
the person who may claim performance of him. That’s why for an assignment
of a claim to name it is necessary that the debtor is informed about the
identity (name) of the new creditor.
The original creditor may have stipulated from the debtor that he is
allowed to transfer his claim in future to someone else, even though he
does not now yet who this person might be. To make the transfer of the
claim more easy, the debtor and creditor may draw up in advance a document
in which the debtor declares that he will perform the indebted performance
to any person who shows him the document at the moment on which the claim
has become due and demandable. By doing so, the claim to name has been
made payable to bearer. ‘Payable to bearer’ refers
to any negotiable instrument that forces the debtor to perform what he
is indebted under his obligation to the bearer of that document without
requiring proof of his identity. To make sure that the debt is not paid
just to anyone who may fraudulently or by mere accident has obtained possession
of that document, the debtor and original creditor may stipulate furthermore
that the name of the new creditor must be mentioned on the document itself,
together with the signature of the previous creditor, from which follows
that he has confirmed the transfer. In that case the claim to name is
converted into a claim payable to order. Payable to order documents
are negotiable instruments on which generally is written: "pay to
X (the name of the original creditor or of the new creditor that still
has to be written on the paper in future) or order." So a claim to
order distinguishes itself from a claim to bearer because it needs an
The transfer formalities of a claim to order or to bearer look like the
formalities necessary to transfer a movable thing. The claim passes to
the new creditor as soon as the former creditor hands over the negotiable
document to the new creditor (in case of a claim to bearer: provided that
the former creditor has put the name of the new creditor on the document).
By holding the document in his actual power, the new creditor presents
himself to everybody who has to observe his right – this is in fact
only the debtor under the obligation – that he is the proprietor
of the claim. It belongs to him. Merely by presenting the document to
the debtor, he may and is able to collect the indebted performance on
his own behalf.
Limited property rights vested on an obligatory claim
An obligatory claim gives its proprietor (the creditor) the enforceable
power to demand a certain performance form a specific person (the debtor),
who has to carry out this performance to him. Because it can only be exercised
against this one person, it is not a real property right. Nevertheless
also obligatory claims have some characteristics of a real right. The
obligatory claim only belongs to the creditor and only he is allowed to
exercise the rights and powers embedded in it, like collecting the performance
which the debtor has to fulfil and taking legal actions if his debtor fails to
perform. Other people aren't allowed to disturb him in exercising these
rights. When they wrongfully present themselves to the debtor as the one
to whom the performance belongs or when they try to persuade the debtor
to break the agreement with his creditor, they even may act tortious against
the proprietor of the obligatory claim, which could result in a liability
towards him for damages, in the same way as they would have been when
violating someone else's real property right. When looking at an obligatory
claim from this perspective, one might say that it forms an independent
property right in itself, which exclusively belongs to its proprietor,
the creditor. In some situations the law recognizes that an obligatory
claim can be looked at this way. It acknowledges that the creditor has
the possibility to split off certain powers of his right and to grant
them to someone else. Just like the proprietor of a real property right,
the creditor has two options. First he can give a third party a personal
right of use of some of the powers locked up in his obligatory claim.
He then has engaged himself towards this third person to carry out a specific
performance, namely to tolerate that this third person makes use of the
powers embedded in his claim (open system of the law of obligations).
The weakness of such an obligatory right has been mentioned earlier. It
works only between the creditor and the third party mutually. The third
party obtains just a claim against the creditor, but not against the creditor’s
debtor. Only when he receives the entire obligatory claim under an assignment
(transfer) he may address the debtor directly to perform the debt to him.
But a third party is not always interested in obtaining the whole obligatory
claim of another, while the creditor not always wants to dispose of his
entire claim. The law has taken this into account and opened the possibility
to split off two different limited property rights of an obligatory claim:
a usufruct and a pledge. In that case an obligatory claim forms the object
on which the limited property right is established. The limited proprietor
(usufructuary, pledgee) may address himself immediately to the debtor
of the encumbered claim to collect the performances which are granted
to him by the creditor under the created limited property right. The claim itself,
although stripped to a smaller amount of rights and powers, remains with
the creditor as his property.
Usufruct of an obligatory claim
The creditor who is entitled to obtain a performance from his debtor,
can establish a usufruct on his claim in favour of another person. The
one who acquires the usufruct (usufructuary), is competent to use the
obligatory claim (the object of his limited property right) instead of
the actual creditor ('naked' proprietor), and he also has the right to
draw the fruits produced as a result of the claim. Where the claim gives
the creditor the right to use a certain thing of his debtor, this right
of use will now be exercised by the usufructuary. It has to be mentioned,
however, that in practice hardly ever a usufruct is vested on such a claim.
The lessee who under a lease agreement has obtained a claim against the
lessor (owner of the leased out immovable thing) to make use of his property
in a certain way for the agreed time, may grant a third party the use
of (parts of) that property, but he will nearly always proceed to do so
by means of a sublease agreement or, if the sublessee is not obliged to
pay a counter performance, through a loan of property agreement. Where
a usufruct is established on an obligatory claim it usually solely involves
the right of the usufructuary to draw the civil fruits from the claim.
Civil fruits are the periodic benefits which result from the claim and
to which the actual creditor originally was entitled. Depending on the
nature of the obligatory claim one may of think of interests (financial
claims, bonds), dividends (stock, shares, securities), annuities (warrants,
several insurances), the monthly rent (hiring, tenancy, lease) and other
financial compensations. After the establishment of a usufruct on an obligatory
claim, such civil fruits, insofar they become due and demandable during
the existence of the usufruct, do not belong to the actual creditor, but
to the usufructuary. The debtor must pay these civil fruits directly to
him. Obviously the debtor only knows that he has to pay these benefits
to the usufructuary, and not to his original creditor, if he has been
informed of the establishment of the usufruct. The requirements for establishing
a usufruct on an obligatory claim consist of a (notarial or private) deed,
drawn up between the creditor and usufructuary, followed by a notification
thereof to the debtor, mentioning as well the identity of the usufructuary
to whom the debtor as of then must perform.
Pledge on an obligatory claim ('disclosed' and
'undisclosed' pledge)
A person entitled to an obligatory claim may demand performance of his
debtor. So the debtor still has to pay a sum of money or deliver some
goods to him. This means that his claim has a financial value. An obligatory
claim may accordingly serve as collateral for the creditors of the proprietor
(creditor) of that claim. His creditors, to whom he has a debt himself,
may want to secure their claim against him by establishing a pledge on
his claim against his own debtor(s). A creditor with a pledge on a claim
knows that the performance which the debtor has to perform, will exclusively
be for this creditor’s benefit only, in the sense that the debtor
is obliged to perform his debt immediately
to the pledgee (the creditor of his own creditor). Of course the pledgee
deducts these earnings directly from the performance that the pledgor
has to deliver to him. So instead of the performance of the pledgor himself,
the pledgee obtains an alternative performance of another person, the
debtor of the pledged claim. With this alternative performance the pledgor
settles his debt to the pledgee, while the debtor of the pledged claim
at the same time settles his debt to the pledgor.
Because a pledge is a limited property right, it has real effect within
the legal sphere of the proprietor (pledgor) of the encumbered claim.
Even when the proprietor of the claim (pledgor), who himself still has
a debt to the pledgee, would go bankrupt, the pledgee may keep collecting
on his own behalf all performances of the pledged claim from the debtor.
He does not need to share the received or future performances with other
creditors of the proprietor of the claim (pledgor). Neither does he have
to give what he has collected or will collect to the liquidator in the
pledgor’s bankruptcy.
Arie is entitled to an obligatory claim towards Bert for the payment
of € 100,000. Bert has on the other hand a claim against his
own debtor, Christel, for the payment of € 95,000. At a certain
moment Bert establishes in favour of his creditor Arie a pledge on
his obligatory claim against Christel. In principle, as soon as pledgee
Arie demands this, Bert's debtor Christel can no longer pay her debt
of € 95,000 to her actual creditor Bert, but she must pay it
to Bert's pledgee, thus to Arie, who obtained a pledge on Bert’s
obligatory claim against Christel. Let's assume that creditor Bert
(pledgor) goes bankrupt before debtor Christel has paid her debt in
full under the pledged claim to pledgee Arie. In the relationship
between pledgee Arie and pledgor Bert the pledge on Bert's obligatory
claim against his debtor Christel has real effect. This means that
pledgee Arie can uphold the powers in his pledge against everybody
within Bert’s legal sphere, so also against Bert’s other
creditors and the liquidator in Bert’s bankruptcy. The pledge
provides him the right to recoup his claim of € 100,000 against
Bert with priority from the pledged claim which Bert has against Christel,
thus prior to all other creditors of Bert. The result is that Christel
still has to pay her entire debt, which she in fact owes to her own
creditor Bert (total amount € 95,000), to pledgee Arie. Because
the pledge has real effect within the legal sphere of Bert, the sum
of € 95,000, which is paid by Christel, doesn't have to be shared
equally by Arie among all creditors of Bert, but can be used by him
entirely to recover his obligatory claim against Bert. After Arie
has received a sum of € 95,000 from Christel, only an amount
of € 5,000 of his claim against Bert remains unpaid. So this
part has to be recouped by Arie out of the other assets of his debtor
Bert. To this extent Arie has the same rights to the net sale proceedings
as the other unsecured creditors of Bert. After Christel has paid
an amount of € 95,000 to pledgee Arie, she is released from her
debt to Bert.
But in these cases one must always keep in mind that the object of the
limited property right itself is an obligatory claim that can only be
enforced and upheld against one specific debtor. No one else can be hold
liable for settling this debt. The real effect of a limited property right
(usufruct, pledge) on an obligatory claim applies exclusively within the
legal sphere of the proprietor of the encumbered claim, not in the legal
sphere of his debtor. In the legal sphere of the debtor the proprietor
of the claim only can operate as an unsecured creditor. Therefore also
the usufructuary and pledgee on whose behalf the creditor has split off
certain rights and powers of his claim, do not have a privileged position
in the legal sphere of the debtor. If this debtor is not able to perform
his debt, then this will affect the usufructuary and pledgee of the claim
in the same way as it does the creditor of that claim.
The above mentioned example has a different result when not pledgor
Bert, but his debtor Christel would go bankrupt before she had paid
her debt to her creditor Bert or, after the establishment of the pledge,
before she had paid her debt to pledgee Arie. Creditor Bert had only
an obligatory claim against his debtor Christel. Bert's obligatory
claim misses real effect in Christel’s legal sphere. So when
Christel goes bankrupt, Bert's claim isn't settled prior to the claims
of the other creditors of Christel. Bert participates as unsecured
creditor for equal parts in the proceeds of all assets of Christel,
in so far these aren't burdened with a real security right or privilege
on behalf of one of Christel’s other creditors. Does Arie, because
of his pledge on Bert’s claim against Christel, obtains priority
in Christel’s bankruptcy? In other words: is Christel or the
liquidator in her bankruptcy obliged to satisfy Bert’s claim
prior to those of all other creditors, because Bert has encumbered
his obligatory claim against Christel on behalf of Arie with a pledge?
Of course not. The pledge which Bert has granted to Arie does not
provide Arie with any privileged position within the legal sphere
of Christel. Arie must wait and see how much his debtor Bert gets
paid in the bankruptcy of his debtor Christel. So when the obligatory
claim of Bert against Christel is paid for only 10 %, then Arie is
bound to this result too. As pledgee he is towards Bert and his other
creditors exclusively entitled to collect the performances coming
from the pledged claim, but where these performances themselves only
amount up to 10 % of the value of that claim, he will not collect
Although the debtor always has to know to whom he has to perform his
debt, it is possible to establish a pledge on an obligatory claim without
notifying the debtor thereof (‘undisclosed pledge’). In that
case the debtor, who is not aware of such a pledge, still has to perform
his debt to his own creditor. The creditor ensures that the received performances
are handed over or paid to his own creditor who has an undisclosed pledge
on his claim. The pledgee is, however, entitled to change the undisclosed
pledge into a normal pledge by notifying the debtor of the existence of
his pledge. As of then the debtor has to pay the indebted performance
exclusively to the pledgee, and not to his own creditor. If he does anyway,
he will not be released from his debt towards the pledgee. The formalities
for the establishment of an undisclosed pledge lack any form of publication.
It’s sufficient that a notarial or registered private deed is made
between the creditor (proprietor of the claim) and pledgee. The debtor
of the claim doesn’t need to get informed. Because an undisclosed
pledge has real effect towards the other creditors of the pledgor and
towards the liquidator in his bankruptcy, it must be certain that it was
established on (as of) a specific date. Otherwise it would be possible
to backdate the establishment of the pledge to the detriment of the other
creditors of the pledgor. Therefore it is necessary that the undisclosed
pledge is written down in a notarial deed (which is registered always)
or in a registered private deed (which is registered by the pledgee at
the Dutch Tax Authority (IRS)).
One has to be aware, however, that this registration doesn’t
mean that the undisclosed pledge is published in any way. Neither
the debtor of the pledged claim, nor the other creditors of the pledgor
have the possibility to check whether such a registration has taken
place. The notary is not allowed to provide this information to other
persons than the involved pledgor and pledgee. Neither is the Dutch
Tax Authority. A registration of a private deed at the Dutch Tax Authority
simply means that a civil servant marks in his own computer system
that he has received that deed on a specific day. After he has put
a marking stamp on the private deed, he sends it back to the pledgee.
There is no public register where undisclosed pledges can be recorded.
Nevertheless, after the pledgee has disclosed his pledge, the other
creditors of the pledgor have to acknowledge that it existed as of
a certain date and that all claims falling within its scope exclusively
must be performed to the pledgee. In that way an undisclosed pledge
has retroactive effect up to the moment on which it was established,
even though it was not published then. The rule that a person only
has to observe someone else’s (real) right if it has been published
sufficiently, so that they could have been aware of its existence,
does not apply in this case, simply because the Dutch banks used their
political influence to push this rule through.
Limited property rights derived from a limited property right vested
on a claim
Dutch civil law recognizes that it is possible to split off a limited
property right of a limited property right that has been split off of
an obligatory claim. But, since only a usufruct and pledge can be vested
on a claim, while a pledge in itself is not eligible to be encumbered,
this simply means that it is possible to establish a pledge on the usufruct
of a claim.
Such a pledge may be a disclosed one. This requires the making of a (notarial
or private) deed between the usufructuary (pledgor) and the pledgee, followed
by a notification to the debtor that a pledge has been established on the usufruct of
the claim from which his obligation results. This debtor had already been informed of the existence of the
usufruct. As of then he will have performed his debt to the usufructuary.
Now he receives the message that the usufructuary has burdened his usufruct
with a pledge, so that the performances from that moment have to be made to the pledgee.
A usufruct can be burdened as well with an undisclosed pledge. This must
be effectuated by means of a notarial deed or a registered private deed
between the usufructuary and the pledgee. The debtor, who already had
been informed about the establishment of the usufruct, doesn’t have
to be told of the existence of the pledge. As a result he still has to
perform his debt to the usufructuary of the claim, until the pledgee converts
his undisclosed pledge into a disclosed pledge by telling the debtor of the existence thereof.