Still to be made new Titles that will be integrated in Book 7 The Dutch Civil Code has been revised in 1992. Still a few Titles of Book 7, that will be incorporated in the Civil Code in future, have to be accepted by Parliament. This may take several years. It concerns the following Titles: Title 7.6 Loan agreement These subjects are up until today governed by the old provisions of the Civil Code, laid down in Book 7A (loan agreement, commercial partnership agreement as far as it concerns the occupational partnership agreement, and gambling and game agreement) and of the Commercial Code (commercial partnership agreement, negotiable bills and other commercial documents and cheques). It is the intention to place the revised provisions for hire-purchase agreements in Title 7.1 (Sale and Exchange). The legislation with regard to collective labour agreements is up until now dealt with by two separate Acts of Parliament: the Act on Collective Labour Agreements and the Act giving Binding Effect to Collective Labour Agreements. For publishing agreements no specific provisions are available under the old law. These agreements are governed by the general provisions for obligations and contracts of the Civil Code and by the specific provisions in the various Acts for intellectual property rights.