Judiciary Organisation Act

Act on the composition of the judiciary and the organisation of the justice system

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1 Definitions

The following definitions apply in this Act and the provisions based on it:
a) courts: the courts referred to in Article 2;
b) judicial officers:
1°. the president of the Supreme Court;
2°. the coordinating vice-presidents, vice-presidents, justices, justices extraordinary, deputy justices, judges and deputy judges of the courts;
3°. the procurator general at the Supreme Court and the deputy procurator general, the advocates general and the advocates general extraordinary;
4°. the procurators general who constitute the Board of Procurators General referred to in Article 130;
5°. the advocates general and the deputy advocates general at the offices of the public prosecution service at the courts of appeal;
6°. the public prosecutors and deputy public prosecutors at the offices of the public prosecution service at the district courts, the national public prosecutors’ office and the national office of the public prosecution service for financial, economic and environmental offences;
7°. the court legal assistants at the courts;
8°. the clerk/registrar and deputy clerks/registrars of the Supreme Court;
c) judicial officers responsible for the administration of justice: the judicial officers referred to in part (b) (1°) and (2°);
d) court officials: central government civil servants appointed to work at a court;
e) Supreme Court: the Supreme Court of the Netherlands;
f) Our Minister: Our Minister of Justice;
g) the Council: the Council for the Judiciary as referred to in Article 84.